"The only villains in The Last Picture Show are the characters themselves."

"'Conform or get a lobotomy', 'Goodfellas' and 'I Once Skimmed Through a Philosophy book' made me laugh."

"Great List! Requiem for a Dream is my favourite comedy, and that Ingmar Bergman is a comic genius."

"You forgot about James Earl Jones' role in Dr. Strangelove and Lee Van Cleef's performance in High Noon."

"* The ridicule of religion was forbidden, and ministers of religion were not to be represented as comic characters or villains. How was Charles Laughton able to release The Night of the Hunter? That "

"Blade Runner would also be a good example. What distinguishes the Replicants from humans? Is Rick Dekkard really a hero?"

"I also enjoyed Spider-man 3. Unfortunately, until now, I could not find anyone else who also enjoyed it."

"Yes, I'm surprised they haven't adapted 'Night' also. After reading it, I was surprised why some Oscar-baiting film (or accomplished director) hadn't adapted it into a film."

"I composed a similar list on imdb. Based on his 'Best films of the decade' lists, I think that his personal favourite films of 2008 and 2009 were Synecdoche, New York and The Hurt Locker, which are li"

"That Parody of 'City Lights' that you have listed is actually a parody of The Gold Rush, Chaplin's previous film."

"I found these very amusing and I agree with the majority of these posters. However, I agree with TheNameless when I say that There Will Be Boredom is inaccurate."